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Food in Asia Research (FAR)

Why do people eat what we eat?
How do we choose what to eat?
What influences our food choice?

 We study food. Let us help you uncover the answers to these questions and more. 

We are thought leaders and experts on food behaviours in Singapore and the Asia Pacific

Our team specialises in food-related research; from alternative proteins to nutrition, food labelling to consumer diets. Our expertise has translated to the award of multiple food research grants, commercial food-related consultancy services, and education partnerships with food sector agencies and organisations.


We’re revolutionising

Food-related Research in Singapore and Around the World


Do food packages and labels matter? Consumers across the Asia Pacific are increasingly educated, and  they are paying more attention to information on food products, services, advertising and stamps of approval. How can food producers better connect with the needs and wants of the modern food consumer in Asia?

Canned Food
Food Packaging


As global supply chain disruptions and major crises threaten food safety and security, food producers and consumers are increasingly affected by shortages. How are consumers adapting to fluctuations in products and prices? What are other sociocultural trends that are affecting diets across the Asia Pacific? 


Climate change presents new challenges for sustainable food production and consumption. In recent years, innovations in food sciences and technology have introduced novel foods such as plant-based proteins, mycoproteins, and cultured meats into the mainstream. What are consumer perceptions of these foods and food innovations?

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